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<\!--Asset package with fluid and smooth drone controller and you get FIVE 3D drone models already setup with flight recorder to record your flights!
-->Try before you purchase: Drone Controller (Win build)
This package contains PC/Mobile/Joystick controller with FIVE 3D drone models already setup!
<\!-- Drone setup tutorial PLEASE CHECK THIS OUT FIRST
To see how VR works click here
Higly customisable:
β custom input feed (requires separate coding, any input to the movement values, tutorial located in the videos)
β mobile support
β joystick support
β forward/backward speed
β sidewa speed
β slowdown air drag speed
β change hover up/down speeds
β change forward/backward force acceleration
β change sideward force acceleration
β rotation mulitplier
β tilt speed
β idle animation
β avoid vertical obsticle animation
β twerl to change direction animation
β collision sparks
β wingtip ortice!(the air effect at the tip or airplane wings)
β customize your own key input for joystick and keyboardβ custom waypoint track (check tutorial)
β custom drone inspector with three profiles
Package contains:
β flight recorder
β all scripts
β demo scene
β waypoint and lap time system
β low poly drone model named \"White\".
Contains drone prefab and drone texture.
β low poly drone model named \"Splinter\".
Contains drone prefab, albedo texture, metallic texture, normal texture.
β low poly drone model named \"Red\".
Contains drone model and diffused texture.
β low poly drone named \"Buzz\".
Contains baseColor, NormalMap, Occclusion and SpecGloss.
You are getting the demo scene that is shown in the video tutorials.
Link to the Modular Garage Asset
Drone Controller without code access