Military Helicopter

Try game asset Military Helicopter 1.0 Unity for your project.

Game Assets
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Polys 6004
Verts 6521

Game model of a army helicopter

FBX - Model parts
military helicopter_blades
military helicopter_body
military helicopter_glass
military helicopter_inner
military helicopter_seats

military helicopter seats - diffuse shader (cheaper for mobile devices)
military helicopter - bumped diffuse shader (cheaper for mobile devices)
military helicopter glass - Standard Transparent material

There is a additional sky texture which was just to give a feel of sky on the glass.
The pivot points of the following are at the same point so when placed if they are all in the same location the assets will line up.
military helicopter_body
military helicopter_glass
military helicopter_inner
military helicopter_seats
The object "military helicopter_blades" has the pivot in the center of the blades where you would expect the blades to turn. This is done to make the object suitable for animation.
Prefabs have been created for each piece.

How to Download Asset

You can get the asset from the button below. Link will take you to our telegram channel, where you can fin out all the information you need. Do not forget to support the author of the asset in the official store.

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    old price $ 4.99
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  • 101952