Wet Stuff

Try game asset Wet Stuff 4.0.0 Unity for your project.

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Wet Stuff makes it easy to instantly make any surface appear wet; simply place decals into the scene and surfaces within will appear wet. Decals can be configured with a powerful set of tools and animated using timeline to simulate many effects such as water buildup, puddles drying out, slightly damp surfaces and more - all without modifying any textures, materials or shaders.

* Instantly make any surface appear wet
* Easy to use decal system
* VR Support
* Create wet surfaces at runtime
* Automatically creates splashes from particles systems
* Powerful configuration system to create a range of effects such as:
** Rain splatters
** Puddles growing and drying over time
** Leaking Pipes
* Enviro Integration
* Unistorm Integration


Wet Stuff requires cameras using `Rendering Path: Deferred`. Wet Stuff does not currently support the URP or HDRP renderers - if you're interested in using Wet Stuff with either of these renderers please subscribe to this issue for updates.

Help & Support
Documentation | Discussion Forum | Website | Issue Tracker

How to Download Asset

You can get the asset from the button below. Link will take you to our telegram channel, where you can fin out all the information you need. Do not forget to support the author of the asset in the official store.

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    Education Use

    old price $ 18.00
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  • Unity
  • 4.0.0
  • 100624