The VR Interaction Framework makes it easy to create your own interactive objects and be productive quickly.
This framework has been specifically designed with the Oculus Quest as a benchmark, but works seamlessly with the Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows WMR headsets by utilizing Unity's XRInput system. Some headsets may not be compatible with Unity's XR Plugin system and may require the SteamSDK to register inputs. Please contact me or try out the demo if you are unsure of specific device support.
This asset is loaded with example prefabs and components. Some of the highlights include :
- Physical Grabbing and Throwing of objects
- Buttons, Knobs, Levers, Sliders, Doors, Joysticks, and other physically activated objects
- Smooth Locomotion and Teleport
- Custom Hand Pose Support
- Two-Handed Weapons
- Custom PlayerController that utilizes Unity's CharacterController (can be swapped out with your own)
- Climbing
- Custom World-Based UI System
- Snap Zones - Super modular : Make Equipment slots, inventory systems and more
- Bow and arrow physics (arrows can be picked up and re-shot)
- Gun handling / physics. Can insert and remove the clip from a pistol, pull back the slide, etc.
- Two Handed Weapons with Shotgun and Rifle examples
- Hand Jet (like a jetpack, but in your hands!)
- Grappling Hook
- Slow time
- A basic IK Arm example
- Hand Tracking Demo - Grab Objects and Draw in the air with your fingers
- Simple Damage System with Destructible Objects
Latest Features :
- Physical Hands example
- New Velocity Grab Physics type
- Ability to use keyboard / mouse to control the player without having to put your headset on
- Added PhotonPUN example : Sync player's Hand Animations and Head (Grabbable physics are not yet synced)
- Added FinalIK Integration Example
- Added EmeraldAI Integration
- Moved Oculus Integration to .unityPackage integration
This package is updated frequently.
Also featured on SideQuest!
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This asset uses Oculus hand and controller models under Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.